DOC DOC GAC_NL_9604.insertFILE +Documents/GAC_NL/inserts/GAC_NL_9604.insert IFFDOC White Black Body Text Times Normal Black Black Caption Times Normal Black Black Hanging Indent Times Normal Black Black Headline Triumvirate Black Black Subhead1 Headline Black Black Subhead2 Subhead1 Black Black Green Magenta Yellow Orange Brown Black.1 White.1 20% Grey 40% Grey 60% Grey 80% Grey Lilac Magenta.1 Purple Bright Green Mid Green Dark Green Red.1 Bright Red Dark Red Pale Yellow Yellow.1 Brt Yellow Cyan.1 Bright Blue Dark Blue Light Brown Brown.1 Black.2 White.2 Magenta.2 Red.2 Yellow.2 Cyan.2 Brown.2 *FORM ARTIARTI CTXTCTXT Triumvirate Normal American American Times Black.2 OK, it has been awhile since I wrote a Neat Stuff article. Actually, I just hadn't run across many neat items to write about. That changed today when I picked up my fax machine from MOBILE Office Equipment Service, Inc. at 2223 So. Brentwood in St. Louis. Steven Rubelman, the salesman, showed me a Curtis Keyboard Calculator. This calcul -ator puts many functions at your fingertips. It lets you calculate without bringing up the Amiga calculator (Which I always forget to do anyway). xYou mount the Keyboard Calcul -ator by peeling the paper backing off the self-adhesive strips on the back and affix it to a clean area on your keyboard. It's solar powered, so to charge the battery, simply expose the photoelectric cells to light. A back-up battery is included and automatically takes over if the light fades. This little gem is 6" long, 1 <" deep, and =" thick at it's high point, the 8 digit LCD display. Its keys run the gamut of digits 0-9, a decimal, and allows addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. It stores memory and does square roots. It even has % and +/- keys, and a clear last entry key, and has a floating decimal. The cost was just $4.75 plus tax. You can probably find these items at other stores as well. Look for Curtis accessories, item number KC-1. Triumvirate ARTIARTI nCTXTCTXT Triumvirate Normal American American BoldItalic hEDITOR'S Note: Times Normal In the following article you will note references to EIDE handling four devices. This is because typical EIDE cards have a of controllers on them. Each EIDE controller still addresses only two devices. Most of this was excerpted from the Amiga Society of Kentuckiana newsletter, . Specifically from their Amiga News Section. Here are some comments about the new Amiga Walker (the new prototype shown at the CeBIT show in Germany. Some of this I have not heard mentioned elsewhere in our discussions and felt it important that you review it. About the design contents of the Walker.: Enhanced IDE interface able to control up to four devices, new high speed serial and parallel ports, AGA and Amiga OS 3.2 Some possible additions include a MIDI port, a PC-style floppy drive controller (1.44 Meg)... ...Low cost continues to be a major factor in AT s development efforts, although not to the poisonous extent that was Commodore s trademark As Dave Haynie pointed out in an online conference on Compu -serve last month, it takes at least three years, three million dollars and a team of ten to twenty experienced chip designers to [develope a new chip set], three things AT doesn t have. Instead, they will use the enormous advances in microprocessor speed and power and in off-the-shelf technology over the last few years, together with their greatest asset the Amiga to their advantage. The blazingly fast PowerPC RISC processor running the Amiga OS will be able to drive the best of the highly advanced and low cost graphics and sound cards now available in ways that Macs and PC clones can only dream about. There are graphics cards out now that not only are much cheaper than the AGA chip set, but are much faster as well. Yet animations and things like QuickTime movies still look grainy and jerky on these top-of-the-line machines compared to what a lowly Amiga 500 can do. Why? Because they don t have the advantage of the Amiga operating system s full 32-bit, multitasking, object-oriented core. The choice of the Enhanced IDE (EIDE) interface shows how carefully AT is treading the low cost line. EIDE comes much closer, with reported sustained data transfer rates of 2 to 3 megabytes per second and the capability to address up to four devices. And they should realize cost savings of between $30 and $100 per machine, which will make it just that much easier for people to buy one. ...AT is doing surveys now to determine how well the new design appeals to first-time computer buyers. If the general reaction is they ll change it until they get it right. Yes, they are doing actual market research! My comment... I think AT is on the right track! I wish they could do more things at once. Produce the better top end Power PC machines before Christmas. Really advertise and push for dealers in the U.S. Yet I know they re starting from the basement and working towards daylight. A good foundation must be built, or like the proverbial deck of cards, the structure will collapse. As impatient as I and others are, we know in our hearts that this is essential. Amiga cannot take another hit like Commodore s demise, or poor marketing and stay afloat. Long live and grow the Amiga! Long prosper Amiga Technologies! Triumvirate Triumvirate Normal American American ARTIARTI CTXTCTXT Triumvirate Normal American American BoldItalic Farewell To The Softlogik BBS Times Normal x The SoftLogik BBS will be turned off today, April 12. We are replacing our BBS with a web page and mailing list so that we can better serve more of our customers. Our BBS was a great resource for local callers, but was expensive for foreign customers, especially those downloading the large PageStream3 patches. Unfortunately, the phone service in our area is low quality and some customers experienced difficulty connecting to the BBS. At the same time, we knew that our Internet customers were having problems getting our patches from Aminet. The number of customers asking us for a web page has grown from a trickle to a torrent in the last six months. We knew that our non-BBS customers would welcome a web page, so we did a survey of our BBS users. An overwhelming percentage of its users voted in favor of a web page and mailing list instead of the BBS. In a perfect world (one in which we were rich and the Amiga had more market share, we d operate both a BBS and a web page, but operating a business BBS is a lot more expensive than a personal BBS and we couldn t afford both. Thus, the BBS is being turned off. BoldItalic Triumvirate Welcome To Our Web Page Times Normal Our web page will be active as soon as the domain name registration process is complete. The site will be Trying to access it now will result in an error because the name doesn t exist yet. It should be registered within a week I ve been told. (But that s what they told me last week too, so no guarantees. What will you find at Easy one click downloads of all the latest SoftLogik patches, information on all of our products, ordering instructions, prices, contact numbers, email addresses, technical support information, and some freebies. I will post a message here when the web site goes live. BoldItalic Triumvirate A Mailing List Too Times Normal Web pages are great, but adding a forum message system to one is not an easy option yet thus we settled on a mailing list. Once the web page is open for business, we ll post info on how to subscribe to the SoftLogik Technical Support mailing list. This option will be especially useful to those who lack web access. BoldItalic TriumvirateEmail Address Change Times Normal With the closing of the BBS, the old address is being discontinued. The domain name is being changed to our new domain so all addresses are now inactive. The new technical support address will be support@soft , but it won t be active until the web page is active. Of course, you can reach us anytime at and in our technical support sections on CompuServe and Genie. (An AOL section is in construction now.) BoldItalic Triumvirate Times Normal BoldItalic TriumvirateOther Softlogik News Times Normal PageStream 3.0i Amiga was released on March 7th and has been well received. If you use 3.0i and have a PostScript printer, don t forget to download the PGS3ITU1.LHA printing fix. If you have 3.0i and use BME, you should download the PGS3ITU2.LHA update to BME. We re hard at work on version 3.1 now but we don t have an estimated date for it yet. Many people have asked if we would make betas of it available as we did for 3.0i so that they could get access to new features sooner. The answer is yes. We were very pleased with the excellent feedback that we received from the 3.0i public beta program it helped make 3.0i a smoother release so we will continue the program for version 3.1. xTypeSmith 2.5 is back in stock after a two month absence. We printed an updated manual and TypeSmith is now available for only $49 instead of the former $110 price. With the sale of Amiga Technologies to VIScorp, we have already started receiving emails from our customers asking us about our commitment to the Amiga. We envision no changes. We are pleased with the reception and sales of PageStream 3.0i. As well, Digita s Wordworth 5.0, which we sell in North America, has been very popular with our customers. PageStream 3.1 will certainly not be the last version for the Amiga. Regards, Michael SoftLogik Publishing American Triumvirate &MPAGMPAG Default Master Page $LMPGHGUI `VGUI `FORM $CMPGHGUI `VGUI `FORM $RMPGHGUI `VGUI `FORM PAGEPAGE ILUSPGDM 2ZxIOBJ White BlackTC White BlackTC hIOBJIOBJ Black Black &GAC_NL:Graphics/KeyboardCalculator.iff IOBJIOBJ Black BlackTO CTXTCTXT Triumvirate Normal American American Neat Stuff (IOBJIOBJ Black BlackTO CTXTCTXT Triumvirate Normal American American Times Black.2 xby Bob Scharp Triumvirate IOBJIOBJ )D.AT Black BlackTO )D.FORM 6CTXTCTXT Triumvirate Normal American American BoldItalic Ramblings Normal IOBJIOBJ Black BlackTO PFORM :CTXTCTXT Triumvirate Normal American American Timesby Bob Scharp Triumvirate PAGEPAGE ILUSPGDM 2ZxIOBJ White BlackTC White BlackTC White BlackTC IOBJIOBJ Black BlackTO 0FORM CTXTCTXT Triumvirate Normal American American SoftLogik News